Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Farewell China!

I can't believe we've been in China for 4 months. The time just flew right by. We've seen so much of the country and yet we've covered so little in so many ways.

As I'm sure you can tell by my blogs, I will truly miss the west. From the smiles and dances of Dali and Lijiang to the surreal experience of standing in front of Everest to being brought back in time among the donkey carts and lamb skewers of Kashgar. Those have been some of the most amazing experiences I've ever had.

I'm amazed at the diversity of landscape China has to offer. We've encountered so many extremes here from the 2nd lowest deression in the world (Turpan) to the highest lake in the world (NamTso) to the highest Mountain in the world. All in one country. Fascinating. On top of this, the numerous ethnic groups spread throughout the country were eye opening. When most think of China, most just think Chinese but there really is so much more out here.

This is a land far more dramatic than we were used to back home. The streets are constantly filled with action be it people dancing together, yelling at each other, holding an accused thief back, laughing together and sometimes, crying together. It's amazing.

We've gotten to be fairly comfortable travelling in this country as we're familiar with the faces and the way things run. We are however, ready to move on. It's time to see other faces and learn about other cultures. Maybe ... just maybe, we'll come back to China someday to visit the parts we've left untouched.


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